Notice Requiring Payment of Outstanding Rates or Service Charges

Published on Monday, 5 September 2022 at 11:21:23 AM


Local Government Act 1995

Local Government (Financial Management) Regulations 1996

Notice pursuant to Schedule 6.3 of the Local Government Act 1995 requiring payment of outstanding rates or service charges

To (name)

Sum owing for a period of 3 years

In respect of (property)

Description of Land referred to

Arvind Jamnadas Khatri


40 Northwood Street, Narrogin

1.     LOT 1431 ON DEPOSITED PLAN 205878 VOLUME 1793 FOLIO 513.

2.     REGISTER NUMBER: 1431/DP205878.

3.     SKETCH OF LAND: 1793-513 (DP205878)

4.     PREVIOUS TITLE: 1793/513

5.     PROPERTY STREET ADDRESS: 40 Northwood St, Narrogin

6.     LOCAL GOVERNMENT AREA: Shire of Narrogin

Success Heights Narrogin Pty Ltd


52 Lock Street, Narrogin

1.     Lot 17 on Plan 3496, Volume 1876 Folio 172

2.     REGISTER NUMBER: 17/P3496

3.     SKETCH OF LAND: 1876-172

4.     PREVIOUS TITLE:  600-197

5.     STREET ADDRESS: 52 Lock Street, Narrogin

6.     LOCAL GOVERNMENT AREA: Shire of Narrogin

Success Heights Narrogin Pty Ltd


54 Lock Street, Narrogin

1.     Lot 16 on Plan 3496, Volume 1116 Folio 538

2.     REGISTER NUMBER: 16/P3496

3.     SKETCH OF LAND: 1116-538

4.     PREVIOUS TITLE:  547-56

5.     STREET ADDRESS: 54 Lock Street, Narrogin

6.     LOCAL GOVERNMENT AREA: Shire of Narrogin

Kooraminning Aboriginal Corporation (formerly Kooraminning Committee of Narrogin Inc)


7 Hartoge Street, Narrogin

1.     Lot 403 on Deposited Plan 302647, Volume 2022 Folio 635

2.     REGISTER NUMBER: 403/DP302647

3.     SKETCH OF LAND: 2022-635

4.     PREVIOUS TITLE:  1120-199

5.     STREET ADDRESS: 7 Hartoge Street, Narrogin

6.     LOCAL GOVERNMENT AREA: Shire of Narrogin

Kooraminning Aboriginal Corporation (formerly Kooraminning Committee of Narrogin Inc)


2 & 4 Hansard Street, Narrogin

1.     Lots 401 & 402 on Deposited Plan 302647, Volume 1213 Folio 498

2.     REGISTER NUMBER: 402 & 402/DP302647

3.     SKETCH OF LAND: 1213-498

4.     PREVIOUS TITLE:  1213-498

5.     STREET ADDRESS: 2 & 4 Hansard Street, Narrogin

6.     LOCAL GOVERNMENT AREA: Shire of Narrogin


Notice is hereby given that the above sums have been owing to the (3) Shire of (4) NARROGIN for a period of 3 years for (3) rates in respect of the land described below and unless payment is made of the said sums within 3 months from the date of this notice the local government will, pursuant to section 6.64 of the Local Government Act 1995 , offer the land for sale by public auction at a time and place appointed by the local government.

Dale Stewart
Chief Executive Officer
Shire of Narrogin
PO Box 1145 Narrogin WA 6312

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