Responsible Dog Ownership

It is important that all dog owners raise their pets appropriately and have respect for others in the community. This can be achieved by keeping dogs adequately confined on their properties, on a leash in public places, preventing aggressive behaviour and controlling excessive barking.

The Dog Act 1976 is administered and enforced by local governments within their respective districts. The Act addresses the control and registration of dogs; the ownership and keeping of dogs; and the obligations and rights of dog owners and others.

Everyone who is a dog owner has a responsibility to ensure that his or her dog is well looked after.


The registered owner of dog must not be under the age of 18.

An owner cannot register more than 2 dogs over the age of 3 months old, unless special approval is granted by Council.

Dog Registration

A dog owner is legally required to register his or her dog with the appropriate local government if it is more than three months old. 

If the dog is sterilized a discount is offered. Proof by means of Vet receipt or Statutory Declaration is required.

  • The registration period is from 1 November to 31 October.
  • Registration renewals are forwarded to registered pet owners in October each year.
  • 1 year and 3 year registrations expire 31 October regardless of the month your animal is registered (any 1 year new annual registrations purchased from the 1 June to 31 October, the fee payable to the Shire is half the normal price as the registration will expire on the 31 October of that same year).

If you hold a pension card you are eligible for a 50% discount on registration fees.

Proof of identity and pension card must be sighted.

FEES (As at 01/07/2023) 1 YEAR 3 YEARS LIFETIME
Unsterilised dog $ 50.00 $120.00 $250.00
Unsterilised Dog - Concession $ 25.00 $ 60.00 $125.00
Sterilised Dog $ 20.00 $ 42.50 $100.00
Sterilised Dog - Concession $ 10.00 $ 21.25 $  50.00


Dog Identification

Your dog is required to wear a collar to which must be attached a valid registration tag. This tag will be issued by your local government when you pay your registration fee.

As of 1 November 2015 ALL dogs (new & old) must be microchipped as per the new rules in the Dog Act 1976.

If a dog is impounded it needs to be registered and microchipped prior to release.

You can provide a receipt or certificate from your Vet advising the dog will be microchipped on the date stated.

Cancellation of Registration

Dog Registration can be cancelled if:

  • The owner is fined or convicted for 2 or more offences in any one year
  • The dog has been shown to be destructive, dangerous, vicious, unduly mischievous, or to be suffering from an infectious disease
  • The council is not satisfied that fencing requirements of the place at which the dog is ordinarily kept are satisfactory.

Update Information

As a dog owner, you are required to notify the Shire of Narrogin of any change of ownership or address, and of your dog's sterilisation, microchip number or passing.

Dog control

If you own a dog, you have a legal responsibility to keep it under control.

Fencing – The premise to which the dog is regularly kept will satisfactorily contain the dog.

Public – On a leash and held by a person capable of control the dog.

 Off leash only in designated areas and able to be controlled by voice command.

Dog attacks

A dog attack is a very serious matter. If your dog attacks a person or another animal, you will be held responsible even if you are not there at the time.

Serious dog attacks

Recent amendments to the Act have introduced separate penalties for a serious dog attack where physical injury occurs, and a minor dog attack where no physical injury occurs.

This means that a dog attack can include a dog aggressively rushing at or attempting to attack a person or animal, as well as tearing clothing, biting or causing physical injury.

Court imposed penalties

Court imposed penalties for dog attacks range from $3,000 to $20,000 depending on the seriousness of the attack and whether the dog is known to be dangerous. A local government may also choose to issue an infringement notice.

If you urge your dog to attack, you may receive a penalty of up to $10,000 and 12 months imprisonment, or $20,000 and 2 years imprisonment for dangerous dogs.

You may have a defence if your dog is provoked, attacked or abused, or if someone unlawfully enters your premises, including a private residence or vehicle.

 Local governments may seek a court order for a dog to be destroyed if it has attacked and caused injury or damage.

Liability for injury or damage

The dog’s owner is also liable for any injury or damage resulting from a dog attack. A person who has been attacked may take private legal action for any injury or damage.

Preventing dog attacks

To reduce the potential for dog attacks, dog owners should:

  •     Limit the risky genetics (select an appropriate breed).
  •     Understand the animal.
  •     Train the animal.
  •     Limit the risky circumstances (restrain the animal in potential attack situations).

Dogs barking

As a dog owner, you are responsible for ensuring that your dog is not creating a public nuisance by barking excessively. Nuisance barking also covers public places adjoining the premises.

More information found in FAQs.

Removal of dog excreta

Dog droppings are a source of annoyance to other users of footpaths and recreation areas. The person in charge of the dog in a public place is required to remove their dog’s droppings and adequately dispose of it. Penalties of $200 will be issued if not adhered to.

Your dog MUST be microchipped

Under legislation all dogs must now be microchipped.

Roaming dogs

Dogs that roam are potentially a public safety risk to motorists, pedestrians and other animals. Irresponsible owners will be liable for any injuries or damage caused by their dog.

Dog attacks on adults are caused mostly by dogs roaming outside their owners’ properties. Children who come into contact with roaming dogs at parks and other public places are more vulnerable to dog attacks.

Keep your dog adequately confined on your property and follow the rules of responsible pet ownership to help prevent your dog attacking someone.

Roaming dogs often approach and sometimes attack other dogs.

Everyone is entitled to walk in their neighbourhood without being harassed or attacked by uncontrolled and often quite frightening dogs.

Even if your dog is well behaved, it can be frightening to other people if it is roaming unattended.

Although you may think your dog is unlikely to attack a person, roaming dogs often approach and sometimes attack other dogs. Responsible pet owners and their dogs are often targets of these attacks.

Forms and Brochures

Dog Registration Form

Change of Details Form

How to be a Responsible Pet Owner


Don’t forget to also update your dog’s microchip details through:

Australasian Animal Registry - Pet identification and recovery service

Pet Address

Central Animal Records