Trails are pathways or routes that are used for recreation, tourism and appreciation of natural and cultural values. Trails may be short or long; be part of a trail network or a single journey; be used for one activity or be shared by several different trail activities; be primarily used by local residents or form a visitor attraction; be purpose-built paths or routes designated by signage and information. (Western Australian Strategic Trails Blueprint 2017 – 2021 Department of Sport and Recreation May 2017)

The Walk Trails Masterplan was developed to provide direction to the upgrading, development and maintenance work of walk trails within (and close to) the Narrogin town site. Improvement of existing trails will provide a greater range of opportunities for local people and visitors to enjoy the beautiful environment and become acquainted with the rich and varied history of Narrogin and the region.

These existing trails include:

  • Five walk trails in Foxes Lair of varying length.
  • Two walk trails at Railway Dam
  • Several trails in Gnarojin Park

It is likely that the upgrading of existing trails will be done in stages with the Shire seeking grant funding for the works.

You can view the entire Walks Trail Masterplan here.