SGL Consulting Group was appointed by the Shire to prepare and develop a Sport & Recreation Infrastructure Plan Feasibility Study. The scope of works for this project were:
- Phase 1: Needs Assessment – community profile, facility audit and future requirements assessment (prep for Master Plan)
- Phase 2: Development of the Sport and Recreation Maser Plan – vision, concept design, costing and staging.
- Phase 3 – Feasibility Plan of the final concept
The aims and the objectives of the project were to:
- Prepare a master plan that outlines a preferred concept for the future development or redevelopment of sport and recreation facilities and infrastructure within the Shire of Narrogin;
- Provide tangible and supported information to Council which will assist in making informed decisions on any future developments for sporting precincts and allocation of capital planning within the Shire of Narrogin; and
- Prepare a feasibility study for the final concept plan, as agreed upon by the Shire of Narrogin Council and relevant community Stakeholders
The need for a feasibility study for a Shire of Narrogin Sport and Infrastructure Plan was driven by the increasing number of requests to the Shire over recent times, by local sport and recreation organisations requiring financial support due to rising maintenance costs of aging club buildings and facilities. Additionally, and as reported by SGL Consulting, a significant factor in the decision to prepare the Sport and Recreation Master Plan – vision, concept design, costing and staging was local sporting clubs aspirations to establish multisport clubrooms. This is a major feature of the masterplan.
The final report was out for public comment between 11 June and 3 August and will go up to Council on 25 August 2020.