Need your roads and kerbs cleaned? Need to remove the build-up of leaves and litter from your street drains? Then why not consider hiring our Street Sweeper that can sweep and remove rubbish from your road and also suck out rubbish filling your street drains.
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Modern Hino Truck with mounted McDonald Johnson Sweeper / Vacuum unit; Shire of Narrogin LG2LG Technical & Rural Services can provide
- Dual side operation;
- Sweeper width of 2.3 metres;
- Liquid spray operation in place for washing the street as it is being swept;
- Extendable vacuum snorkel for sucking out street drains;
- 6.26 m3 capacity debris holding compartment;
- Front and rear flashing safety beacons;
- Quarterly, 6-monthly, annually or as-required programming available.
- Local knowledge
- Experienced & qualified operators
- Located within 90 minutes
- No on costs – monthly billing
- Long term rates available
Fees & Charges
Our current fees and charges for all services can be found here.
- All fees listed are inclusive of GST and are reviewed annually.
- Council maintains comprehensive Public Liability, Workers Compensation and Professional Indemnity Insurances.
- Shire of Cuballing
- Shire of Narrogin
- Shire of Wagin
- Shire of Wickepin
Limitations & Exclusions
- Wet hire of the machine only;
- Rewatering and refueling after the first 8 hours are the responsibility of the hire;
- Minimum hire – 8 hours.
Further Information
Executive Manager Technical & Rural Services