Shire of Narrogin Caravan Park Terms and Conditions
- Office and Check In/Out
- Office Hours – 9:00 am to 11:00 am and 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm 7 days (unless advise otherwise).
- Check in time from 11.00 am
- for caravan and camping sites.
- from 2:00 pm for on-site accommodation units.
- Check out time – by 10.00 am.
- Upon check in, guests are required to complete the Guest Registration – Short Stay form.
- Sites and Fees
- Site fees must be paid in advance.
- Once the payment of your booking is processed in full, you will receive a booking confirmation via email.
- Long stay – a maximum period of 3 months may be approved and are then subject to a lease agreement.
- Bond is payable before the Ablution Block key will be issued to Patrons.
- Tenting – will be allowed for up to 14 days within any three-month period, but the Caretaker may approve an additional 14 days. No tent is permitted to be setup directly below a large tree.
- Your credit card will be charged within 24 hours of making your online booking.
- Cancellation Policy
- Refund will be allowed due to cancelled bookings in the following circumstances:
- Cancel within 48 hours of check-in: all of site/accommodation fees retained.
- Cancel before 48 hours of check-in: full refund.
- Please note, for cancellations of bookings made online prior to 48 hours of check in, the transaction fee of the payment gateway will be forfeited.
- General Behaviour
- Patrons and their visitors – must behave with respect and consideration at all times to each other, in a manner which is conducive to the safety, comfort and convenience of others in the Caravan Park.
- Children – are to be appropriately supervised by an adult whilst in the Caravan Park at all times.
- Noise – Quiet time in the Caravan Park is between the hours of 10.00 pm to 6.00 am each day. Patrons must not make any noise that may offend others including neighbouring properties at any time.
- Smoking – is not permitted inside the Caretaker’s cottage, ablution block, campers' kitchen or recreational shed.
- Power tools – the use of power tools such as welders and grinders are not permitted in the Caravan Park.
- Open fires – are not permitted in the Caravan Park.
- Vehicles, Trucks, Quad Bikes etc
- The speed limit within the Caravan Park is strictly 10 km per hour (walking pace), and also includes the use of bicycles and similar type vehicles.
- Only one car is permitted per site, although the Caretaker may give approval to park a second vehicle on site.
- All on-site cars must be registered at the Caravan Park reception on arrival or via the booking system if booked online.
- All other vehicles or visitors’ vehicles must remain in the visitors’ parking area.
- Trucks are not permitted to be parked in the Caravan Park. The Shire has provided a designated truck parking area next to the Caravan Park.
- Quad bikes, trail bikes or recreational motor bikes – not to be ridden in the park under any circumstances.
- Visitors
- Visitors must park their vehicles in the designated visitors’ parking area.
- Pets
- Pets are only allowed in the Caravan Park with the Caretaker’s approval.
- Pets are deemed to be under the supervision and control of the patron at all times.
- A maximum of 1 dog will be allowed on any site. A second dog is permitted only with approval of the Caretaker.
- The Caretaker will only approve pets that appear to be friendly to people and other animals and can be appropriately secured.
- Pets displaying unacceptable behaviour are to be removed from the Caravan Park by the owners. Unacceptable behaviour will include, but is not limited to
- excess noise, or showing aggression to patrons and other animals;
- being left unattended without the owner making arrangements for the care of the pets and notifying the Caretaker.
- Dogs that have been declared dangerous are not permitted in the Caravan Park under any circumstances.
- Pets must be secured:
- within the patron’s caravan.
- by tether attached to the caravan, and supplied with adequate shade, food and water; or
- on a leash not exceeding 2 metres in length while walking around the Caravan Park.
- No pets are allowed in the ablution blocks, laundry facilities, campers’ kitchen, BBQ or playground areas or recreational shed.
- Faeces dropped within the Park is to be collected by the owner and disposed of in the waste receptacles.
- Note – Non-compliance with any of these conditions may result in the revocation of approval to keep a pet in the Caravan Park, and penalty under the appropriate Local Law.
- Setting up and Use of Sites
- All caravans/camper trailers must have their draw bars facing the roadway in accordance with the Caravan Parks and Camping Grounds Regulations 1997.
- All caravans/camp sites must be 3 metres away from each other. It is the Patron’s responsibility and failure to comply may result in the Caretaker moving their tent or caravan to adhere to these regulations.
- No canopy is to be installed with star pickets unless approved by the Caretaker.
- Only allow well-maintained power cables and hoses are allowed to be connected to power outlets, water taps and the drainage system.
- The Caretaker may remove any power cable and/or hose that is considered not to be well maintained or dangerous without notice.
- Patrons are not to dispose of wastewater directly on to the ground and must use the Caravan Park’s designated drainage system.
- No sale of tenant’s caravans, furniture and equipment is allowed within the Caravan Park
- Patrons are not to erect or construct a permanent type structure without approval.
- Maximum capacity is up to 2 adults and 2 children for all our Caravan/Camping sites. An additional person is charged an extra fee based on the duration of their stay.
- Accommodation Units
- Checkout time is 10:00 am Check in time is 2:00 pm.
- Maximum capacity is 4 people per unit (2 adults and 2 children).
- No smoking in the units (if smoking on veranda please ensure door and windows are shut).
- No pets are allowed in the Units including the veranda.
- Parents are responsible for their children’s behaviour & safety within the park at all times.
- If you turn something on please turn it off when no longer required or vacating the unit.
- Please leave unit clean and tidy on vacating.
- Communal Facilities
- Communal facilities such as the ablution block, camper’s kitchen and recreation shed are provided for the benefit of Patrons and use of them is limited to Patrons and their visitors.
- The laundry is for the use of Patrons only, and use by others is not permitted.
- Additional keys for facilities may be obtained from the Caretaker, and copies are not to be made by Patrons.
- Patrons may not provide any other person the Ablution Block key or allow access to the Ablution Blocks facilities.
- Waste water and sewerage is not to be disposed of in the Ablution Blocks.
- Only Patrons and their visitors can use the Campers Kitchen and Recreational Shed.
- Under no circumstances are Patrons to camp or sleep in the ablution blocks, campers' kitchen or recreational shed.
- Only Patrons may use the Dump Point. Others to obtain approval from Caretaker.
- Laundry
- Laundry can only be hung out on the Caravan Park’s approved clothes lines.
- Alcohol and Drugs
- Responsible consumption of alcohol is required, without interference through action or noise to any other patron.
- Persons who become intoxicated may be asked to leave the Caravan Park.
- The driving of a vehicle within the Caravan Park whilst under the influence of drugs or alcohol is not permitted.
- The possession or use of illegal drugs within the Caravan Park is not permitted. Offenders will be reported to the Police and evicted from the Caravan Park.
- Water Usage
- All private gardens must be approved by the Caretaker.
- Watering of a private garden is to be in accordance with Water Corporation’s water roster days, according to bay number.
- CCTV is operating within the Narrogin Caravan Park. This is for the security of our patrons and park infrastructure.
- Narrogin Caravan Park Gift Vouchers
Ten dollar gift vouchers are a complementary token (when available) supplied by the Shire to guests at the Caravan Park on arrival. The gift vouchers are redeemable at listed businesses within Narrogin. Issue of the $10 gift vouchers will be as follows:
- one voucher will be issued per site and booking only.
- vouchers will only be issued to patrons staying for more than 48 hours (2 days), limiting one voucher per booking per month.
- vouchers will only be issued to patrons booking a caravan site or on-site accommodation units.
- Vouchers will not be issued to long stay tenants under a lease agreement.
- For the Shire to account for the gift vouchers, the voucher number must be recorded and signed for on the Guest registration form.
- Long Stay Tenancy
Long stay tenancy (over three (3) months) will require a written application for the consideration of the Chief Executive Officer. Should the application be approved, then a Long Stay Tenancy Agreement will be entered into between the applicant and the Shire. The Agreement gives the Tenant assurance of their tenancy on the site within the Caravan Park for the term of the agreement.
Long stay tenants will have access to a lockable letter box provided by the caravan park in a central location.
A maximum of 25% of the powered caravan sites will be allocated for long stay tenants. This is considered an optimal rate between short stay and long stay patronage. This balance will allow sufficient short stay sites to cater for the many visitors to Narrogin as well as catering for those who wish to stay in Narrogin for over 3 months.
- Evacuation / Muster Points
An emergency muster point is located with respective signage close to Ablution Block 1 as indicated below, should an evacuation be necessary in a bushfire situation. Please contact the office if you need clear direction to the muster point.

Where not provided for in these Terms and Conditions, patrons and visitors must follow all reasonable
and lawful directions given to them by the Caretaker. A breach of the Terms and Conditions may result
in the summary eviction of the offender at the discretion of the Caretaker.